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Hey Christian & Gospel music lovers! We’re thrilled to announce that Vannyoung has just released their latest hit, “NIBEBE”!

This track is A GOSPEL MUSIC COMPOSED BY VANNYOUNG AND PRODUCED BY TELOAH PON DE CASE UNDER TELOAH ART’S RECORDS, and is sure to get you grooving from start to finish. Don’t miss out on this captivating blend of Christian & Gospel vibes and mesmerizing vocals.

You can now listen to “NIBEBE” on all major streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google Play Music, and more!

Stream Now

Be sure to follow Vannyoung on Gotchscape & all social media platforms for updates on their latest releases, tour dates, and more. Don’t miss out on this hot new track – give it a listen now!

#NewMusic #Gotchscape #Christian & Gospel #Vannyoung #NIBEBE #Single

[category Industry News, New Release, Promo] [status publish] [tags Gotchscape, New Release, Vannyoung, NIBEBE]
